The magnet theory is not just a theory. It is a part of your reality, which if you use it properly, your life will become much simpler.
Through magnetism, you attract what you really believe.
Look out! If you believe that all the people with strange behaviors will come to you, will be attracted to you, then like a magnet, you will attract them.
But if you believe that you are a magnet for good health and prosperity, then that is exactly what you will attract. All your actions will help you to have good health and a life of prosperity.
How to start magnetizing what you want?
The relationship you want, the job you want, the house you want.
Start believing it and imagining yourself in as much detail as you can in it! Create an exciting story inside your head.
The amazing news is that what you visualize as real, your brain doesn't know it's not real and it's just a story in your head.
With that said, why not exploit magnet theory? Start attracting with your mind and brain power exactly what you desire. When you strengthen your belief in it, feel that you really deserve to achieve it, then all your actions will move in that direction. Your whole reality will become an excellent ally so that you can achieve what you want.
Elena Mouratidou
Holistic Lifestyle Coach